검은 머리흰죽지 영어로
- scaup duck
- 검은: dark; black; without light
- 검은머리흰죽지: 검은머리흰죽지 『鳥』 a scaup (duck).
- 흰죽지: smee; pochard; scaup; goldeneye
- 검은머리흰따오기: Black-headed ibis
- 미국흰죽지: redhead
- 흰죽지수리: Eastern imperial eagle
- 흰죽지꼬마물떼새: Common ringed plover
- 흰죽: 흰죽 [-粥] rice gruel. ~을 끓이다 boil rice into gruel.
- 검은 머리물 떼새: oyster catcher
- 죽지: 죽지 a shoulder blade; a scapula; the shoulder joint. 날갯~ the joint of a wing. 어깻~ the shoulder joint. 팔~ the upper arm.
- 검은머리딱새: Black redstart
- 검은머리마멋: Black-capped marmot
- 검은머리쑥새: Common reed bunting
- 검은머리오리: Black-headed duck
- 검은머리황새: Jabiru